Oh, the dark days before Sheryl! The hours were long, the nights sleepless, and the income low. I was moving forward, but at a snail’s pace. It was frustrating, but I’d just decided that was How Things Had To Be.
I’m now working less hours and making more money. Setting my income goal for the coming quarter, I realised I’d already exceeded it in the previous quarter. So I had to set a more ambitious one! Sheryl should come with a warning, really: “Working with me may result in you achieving your goals earlier than anticipated.”
I sleep much better, thanks to boundaries I’ve put in place with Sheryl’s kind but firm, no-fluff coaching. I’m no longer working weekends, and I’ve taken a month off. I’ve also quit vaping and I’m exercising more. I’m feeling much more confident now. I’ve realised my super-duper organisational skills are a creative strength rather than something to be hidden away, and my business has started to soar.
What do you think?