It’s snowing here on the east Kent coast.
It’s cold. It’s dark. And I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping well recently, but it’s not just that. I’m weary to my very soul. I’m tired of lockdown. Tired of winter. Tired of the book I’m writing. Tired of not seeing the people I love. Just tired.
There’s nothing unique about my tiredness, of course.
We’re all feeling it. But right now it’s 8pm, I’m behind with work, and I reluctantly dragged myself back to my study to finish tomorrow’s blog post. February falls as four whole, neat weeks this year, and I’d been determined to use them well.
Then I realised that I’m not walking my talk.
I’m a coach. I help talented creatives do amazing work while leading full, balanced lives and taking excellent care of themselves. Yet here I am, sitting at my desk, trying to push on through the tiredness and beating myself up for not feeling like writing.
So I’m changing my plans for the week.
I’ve just sent emails postponing some coaching sessions, to give myself a couple of days off this week. The book deadline is looming, but that can wait, too.
In a moment, I’m going to run a hot scented bath and lie in it, listening to some old Café del Mar mixes by the late, great Jose Padilla, king of the chillout DJ set. Then I’m going to bed early with a good book, and no alarm set for tomorrow.
Normal service will be resumed here next week.
But if you’re feeling weary too, do everything you can to replenish and recover. You are human, not a superhero. And this past year has weighed heavy on all of us.
I have a friend – a mum of three who has home-schooled throughout this strange time – who declared an INSET day last week, and gave the whole family the day off, including herself. (In the UK, this is a teacher training day, when the whole school closes.) She announced it on the parents’ bulletin board, and many enthusiastically decided to do the same.
I like this idea, so I’m taking a snow day – or two. Because sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all.
It’s hard taking a break, in quarantine.
But treat yourself in some way. Call a friend. Go for a walk. Soak in the bath. Play some good music. Read a good book. Whatever makes you feel good: do more of it.
You’ll be a better parent, better friend, better human, and certainly be a lot more creative if you listen to your own needs, and take extra care when you need it.
See you next week!
Love your honesty Sheryl – totally get this. I haven’t taken a break for ages – stress of work being taken away and finding it hard to say ‘no’ to incoming work or ‘no’ to the pressure I put on myself. It takes courage to take time out and this is great advice. Thanks for being a role model for self care.
annabel marriott
Thank you for your honesty in sharing how you are feeling and for writing what so many people need to hear right now. Great advice. Life’s simple pleasures. What a wonderful photo too!