Tired of making new year resolutions that don’t last past January? Do you set ambitious goals, then do very little about them except perhaps feel guilty? You’re not alone.

Your Next Year is for creatives who already lead full and busy lives.
It takes you beyond goal-setting, and gently nudges you into action on the projects you want to complete. It helps you build a life you love, while also finding time and space to make the work that really matters to you.
A 42-page PDF that you can print out and use as a blueprint year after year, the workbook takes you through a set of thought-provoking questions designed to celebrate what you’ve already done and learned, map out the next 12 months, to balance work and play, and fit your business around the life you want, rather than contorting yourself to fit your work.
You’ll be guided through the process, step by step
- Review your past 12 months. Celebrate your wins and chart your progress. Learn from your experiences, good and bad. See what needs improving, what you’re ready to change.
- Assess the present. Examine where you are right now, in all aspects of your life: health, wealth, relationships, work and play. And explore what to improve on.
- Imagine the future. Let go of goals, expectations, all the shoulds, coulds and musts. And create a vision of a future you’d love. This is about setting intentions from the heart, not the head, and about building a life you truly love, not living up to the expectations of others.
- Now put habits and routines in place to move you in the direction you want. And to make sure you enjoy the journey.
This is for you if:
- You’re a maker, a creator. You write, act, play, perform, design. You make art, TV, films, theatre, fashion, crafts, music or entertainment. You run a creative business. Or you want to.
- You want to explore new directions, or get a big personal project over the line. But you never seem to find the time and space for that.
- Your paid work, your to-do list, your deadlines, and life in general just keep getting in the way.
- You make resolutions every new year or make grand lists of goals every so often. Then you do very little about them except feel guilty and beat yourself up.
- You have big, self-directed projects you want to try – but without firm deadlines, or anyone waiting for them, you find it hard to get motivated.
- Even when you do have time, you end up procrastinating without really knowing why.
- You’ve done a big push on this before, but got burned out out and exhausted.
- You’re getting the creative work done, but everything else feels out of balance. You’re neglecting your health, your relationships, and you’re running on empty. Life seems joyless, and you want to bring the fun back.
And who am I, exactly?
My name is Sheryl. I’m a life coach working with creative professionals for the past 15 years, so I have lots of experience of helping artists, designers, makers, musicians and writers create the work they want to make, but also balance that with a life they love.
I’ve also been a writer all my working life, as well as long stretched editing magazines. So I know all about creative blocks, procrastination, and never feeling on top of all you need to do.
Your Next Year takes you through the tried and tested process I do at least once a year to make sure I’m going in the direction I want, and that I guide my clients through as we work together. You can read some of their comments below.
Ready for your best year ever?
Get your 42-page workbook now, and start planning out your next 12 months immediately. The workbook costs just $14.99, and you can download it instantly.