So I have a new book out! Or at least, a little part of one. Edited by Eric Maisel, it features case studies from 40 very different coaches from around the world.
A lovely man who now lives in San Francisco but teaches all over the world, Maisel is generally credited with inventing the idea of creativity coaching. Most of the contributing coaches trained with him at some point – including me. But the book shows coaches working with creatives of all kinds, in surprisingly varied ways.
My own chapter concerns a talented artist who was making beautiful work – but not selling it. When we started working together she was working two jobs to get by, and on the verge of giving up making art altogether. It was a joy watching her take control, put her work out into the marketplace – and make enough to quit one of those jobs and concentrate on her art instead.
Inside Creativity Coaching is £29.99, but I have a special 20% discount to offer readers of this blog. Just order it directly from the publisher, Routledge, and enter the code BSE19 at the checkout.
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