I’m here to help you thrive as a creative professional.
You are a musician, writer, artist, designer, photographer, entrepreneur. You work in the arts, or a creative industry such as TV, film, fashion, or publishing.
Perhaps you’re just starting on a new path. You’ve reached a certain level of success, but you want to get to the next level. Or you simply want to keep on top of the rapid pace of change in your industry.
Maybe you just want to do your next big project with less drama, fewer sleepless nights. You want more balance, more fun – more inspiration.
If any of this feels like you, then welcome! You’re in the right place.
My name is Sheryl, and I help creatives find the success they want, while making work they love. You can read more about my coaching services here, or browse through the posts in my blog, Creative Thinking.
Or get my free course, Freelance Foundations, giving you ten powerful steps to take now so that you can thrive – and your business can grow.
Creative Thinking
Start living your most creative life
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Are you ready to grow your creative business?
Get my FREE ten-day course. With ten key foundations to put in place, so that you can thrive – and your business can grow.
Read more about the course here. Or sign up for my mailing list below, and get your day one right away.
“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
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Hi, I’m Sheryl.
Over the past 30 years I’ve been editor of The Face and the Observer magazines, and written for newspapers and magazines across the globe.
I’m also now a coach, helping my fellow freelancers and creatives to thrive in an era of rapid change. This is a challenging time, to be sure. But it’s also an interesting one, full of exciting new opportunities.
I believe that we humans were meant to create, not just consume. And that those of us who work in creative fields should be paid properly. We don’t have to suffer for our art.
Now more than ever, we need new ideas, new stories, new ways of seeing. Our creativity can change the world!
Read more about coaching for creatives. Grow your creative career or business with my free ten-day course, Freelance Foundations. Or sign up below, to get my latest posts and news.
Making It
Creatives at the very top of their game share their thoughts on success, failure, and the creative life
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Success stories
Here’s what some of my coaching clients say about me.
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