How I stopped procrastinating and learned to love my tax return (sort of)
There are six triggers for procrastination. Change them, and you can learn to love any task. Or at least get it done.
There are six triggers for procrastination. Change them, and you can learn to love any task. Or at least get it done.
Overwhelmed? You're not alone. Here's how to decide what to work on and what will have most impact. You've got this!
Stop procrastinating and get back into action. Today, not tomorrow.
You're not lazy, or broken. Knowing why we procrastinate is the only way to beat it
How I stopped polishing, and started publishing. Because sometimes done really is better than perfect.
Curiosity killed the cat. But it makes creatives better.
When the going gets tough, the distractions start coming. And with creative work, there are always tough bits. Not matter how much we kid ourselves that the next one will be easier.
Do what you're dreading, and everything else will feel easier
Is your inner critic getting in the way of the work you want to make? Here are ten ways to quieten those cruel and carping inner voices
We all get blocked sometimes. Here are some resources to help
Making a new story, a song, an artwork is difficult. But we can do hard things – and as creatives, we need to
You can't do it all, so do what's important to you. Take control of your time. Let go of FOMO, and learn to say no more often